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Encrypt And Decrypt Data With A Password

This tool allows you to encrypt or decrypt a message securely with a password, using the AES-256 GCM algorithm.
You can send the encrypted message to other people and they will be able to decrypt it if they have the password.

Note: Your input will be uploaded to the server for processing; but no part of it is stored on the server for any duration.
As a general tip, always keep a backup of the original message, just in case you lose the password or access to this tool.

Your Data (up to 10240 bytes for encryption; up to 30720 bytes for decryption):
Password for Encryption (up to 70 bytes):
Additional Authenticated Data (optional; up to 1024 bytes):

Tip: If supplied for encryption, the additional authenticated data can prevent message tampering. Unless included within the output, this will need to be supplied for decryption.

The following fields are optional and are only used during encryption (they are ignored for decryption).

Authentication Tag Length (can be 4 to 16):

Tip: A longer authentication tag means more reliable authentication but bigger output size.

Number of iterations for key generation (up to 1000000):

Tip: The encryption key is generated via PBKDF2 using the SHA-512 digest. More iterations means better security but slower operation.