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Punycode Converter To And From Unicode IDN (Internationalized Domain Name)

This tool allows you to encode and decode an IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) containing any Unicode characters to and from Punycode.
Punycode is an encoding that encodes any Unicode string into a string containing only lower ASCII alphanumerals and hyphen ('a' - 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '0' - '9', and '-').

Tip: Each host name label in a domain name is encoded and decoded separately. As an example, the domain "my🦆.example.com" contains three lables separated by dots, namely, "my🦆", "example", and "com".
In case of an email address, only the part after the "@" symbol is to be encoded in Punycode.

Note: The maximum length of the domain or of each label is not restricted here.
(By the way, valid host name lables are up to 63-byte long, and a valid domain name up to 253.)

Domain name or Full URL:
Options for Encoding:
Letter-Case Conversion for Domain: